torsdag 8 mars 2012

Ranelids engelska Mirakel

Björn Ranelid har gjort en engelskt text på "Mirakel". Den tog 25 minuter att göra enligt författaren, skriver SVT.

Så här blir den, försök sjunga med om ni vill:

My stories are migratory birds seeking warmth
and I won't give up until they nest in your heart.
The children climb ladders of laughter.
Love travels always without passport or visa.
Love, what a mighty word.
Love is the first and biggest atom bomb.
What a wonder, what a miracle.
Lets go and fight for love.
What a mighty word.
Love is the greatest miracle.
Love, love what a miracle.
To live is to swim from the shore I to the shore You in the ocean We.
If woman abstains from man's seed more than sixty years from now on, the whole humanity die out.
Yes, so it is.
Love never mis-spell, because it speaks all languages.
Love leans a little as old handwriting on its way to grave.
Love, what a mighty word.
Woman is the first gender.
Do never ever forget it.
Love, amore, amour, liebe, kärlek, kærlighet.
Here comes the army, here come the soldiers and here comes love.
Herre Gud.

/Björn Ranelid

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